Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Vegan: a conscious eating choice can change the world.

Have you ever wondered what it could be like to make a conscious eating choice such as becoming a vegan? All it is is someone who looks closely at all of the implications of their food choices -- to his or her own body, to the animals, and to the environment -- and then chooses to lean in to a plant-based diet. Add the suffix "ist" means "one who does" or "one who studies," so a veganist takes what he or she learns and puts it into action by eating things that grow on trees or in the ground. It's all about progress, not perfection.

  In the process, you create the possibility to see, think and act differently, and to attract new opportunities.
Here's why: Each time you pause and choose not to indulge habituated behavior you enter into clear space, a "gap" which is, by definition, free from the distortion of your unconscious. The instant you do this you create an opportunity to link to sacred and sublime intelligence. Experiencing this, if only for an instant, connects you to boundlessness, a place free from the doubts, contrary beliefs, and/or misapprehensions that oftentimes obstruct you from taking greater control of your life and even achieving your goals.

This point is essential.  Stillness, coupled with expanded awareness, is by far the most powerful medium by which you can affect your destiny. From the perspective of the ancient traditions stillness is a far more compelling force to influence and attract, and thereby help you fulfill your desires, than is desperation or even willpower alone.

Break free of old patterns enough times and you will create a new and different future. This may sound too simple to be life-changing, but I've seen people accomplish incredible things, achieve profound changes in their life, simply by letting go of a habit and placing new, positive, life-affirming intentions into the space once occupied by their habit. Try vegan even if it 's just as a 21 day cleanse.  This experience can be life changing and you will never know until you try.

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