Saturday, November 12, 2011

The 8 Pillars of Wellness

It recently was brought to my attention that since the skin is our largest organ it is most affected by how "well" we really are. There are so many factors that determine that.  When someone asks you " How are you?" Do you immediately download all that ails you. Mary Kay Ash was famous for saying " The only answer is GREAT because 80% really don't care and the other 20% say good you got exactly what you deserve!!!

The list I am about to share may be used  as a cross training of sorts to build a wellness foundation.  Realizing we can't 'fix' everything in one afternoon. If you were willing to incorporate daily at least two off this list and then add variety, (after all that is the key) then you would consistently be getting closer to you goal of being GREAT!.
  1. meditation
  2. visualization
  3. conscious eating
  4. exercise
  5.  service
  6. spiritual practice
  7. fun activities
  8. self work
Doesn't makes perfect sense that if your answer to 'how are you doing' is 'great' then would you agree putting yourself in a state of greatness would help you to become congruent to your answer and more importantly to yourself.  Your skin will radiate healthy glow as you build your personal wellness foundation.

Go to to make me your FREE coach, I can help you on the path for numbers 3 and 4 with a simple plan.

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