Monday, November 28, 2011

Suffering one of two pains

"We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons." ~ Jim Rohn..
 5 short months ago I experienced the regret of not taking better care of my body, as I approached my 50's, my clothing size keep growing. I was a size 4 in my younger days but health issues and a comfortable lifestyle just started packing on the pounds. It was so painful to look in a mirror or at a photograph.  I finally just grew comfortable with the 'new me'.  My son would place his arms around my waist and I would instantly squirm knowing that his warm, affectionate, hug just made me call to conscious how much larger my waist had become.
These days I sometimes experience the pain of discipline with sore muscles, not eating poor food choices that seemed so yummy at the time, making the time to exercise and boy has it been worth it ~ Jim Rohn you are so right..Take charge of your life, today!
When my son hugs me now ~ I embrace it, lovingly with such a feeling of joy, for making the decision to eat consciously and exercise everyday has help me to chisel over 33 pounds and 25 inches off my 5'4" frame.
I heard someone say last night that people assume those of us who make better food choices are deprived...'Deprived?' she replied "does this body look deprived?, actually you are the one who is depriving yourself out of more energy, a longer life and less disease.  What a brilliant response - it is so simple to eat healthy.  When your body is filled with nutritionally dense food cravings disappear almost overnight.  Aches and pains are minimized.  Your energy is raised to a level many have not seen in years.
Ah, the pleasure of living a disciplined life far outweighs the pain of regret.

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