Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Let go of stressful self talk

Stress can make or add to fine lines and wrinkles  in the expressions on our face.  Did you know there is a conversation that goes on in your head 24 hours each day and exerts a major influence on how we look, feel and behave?

This can even affect us even while we sleep.  That is the time your body uses to restores itself.  Changing your thought patterns to positive, uplifting ones can make a huge difference in your self talk.

Understanding that other people may never do exactly what we want them to do. Events must always turn out exactly as we want them to or even we may never disappoint ourselves or act contrary to our expectations can be big help in releasing the stress that surrounds these limiting beliefs.

Replace these thoughts with ones that empower the mind, body and soul. Other people may not act the way we want. Don't invest our well being in their behavior.  Sometimes despite our best efforts events will turn out the way we don't like.  Most importantly, we are likely to make mistakes now and then.  Embrace that we are not perfect as perfectionism can be one of the single most destructive behaviors you will ever have.

The only character lines that we want to embrace are the ones that come from a happy, fulfilling, smile filled life.

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