Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A personal favorite

- Chia Seed Pudding -

Chia seed pudding is a delicious, quick and healthy raw food recipe. Made with wild or organic chia seed it is a powerful superfood.
The tiny seeds have been used since 3500 BC and were one of the most important crops for the Aztecs. These ancient people prized them so highly that it was often used as currency. Their warriors could run a whole day on just a handful.
Chia seed - also called salba when they are white - has extraordinary nutritious power. Dr. Oz said: "These things may be the best food around." And according to one manufacturer chia/salba seeds contain (gram for gram):
  • 30% more antioxidants than blueberries;
  • 6x more calcium than whole milk;
  • 15 more magnesium than broccoli;
  • 25 more dietary fiber than flax seed;
  • 8x more omega 3 than salmon;
  • 3x more iron than spinach;
  • 50% more folate than asparagus;
  • 2x more potassium than a banana;
  • 2.5x more protein than kidney beans.
But maybe most important, chia seeds form a gelatinous layer inside your intestines that is a preferred home for probiotics and other beneficial bacteria.
Therefore it is excellent food for people with intestinal problems such as crohn's disease or irritable bowl syndrome. It is also perfect for babies and children as it creates a optimum start for their internal environment. Chia seeds look like poppy seeds. They have a neutral, mild taste. Just like flax seeds, they become jelly like when you soak them for 30 min or more.
You can eat them as a pudding or add some to your smoothie. (My kids prefer them over flax seed in smoothies because the flavor is more neutral.)
You buy organic chia seed in most health food stores and online. They cost about 15 USD a pound. (Salba seeds a little more. Some claim salba seeds are better than chia seeds, but I haven't found any proof on that).

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