Monday, November 28, 2011

Simple Skincare Secrets: Suffering one of two pains

Simple Skincare Secrets: Suffering one of two pains: "We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces while ...

Suffering one of two pains

"We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons." ~ Jim Rohn..
 5 short months ago I experienced the regret of not taking better care of my body, as I approached my 50's, my clothing size keep growing. I was a size 4 in my younger days but health issues and a comfortable lifestyle just started packing on the pounds. It was so painful to look in a mirror or at a photograph.  I finally just grew comfortable with the 'new me'.  My son would place his arms around my waist and I would instantly squirm knowing that his warm, affectionate, hug just made me call to conscious how much larger my waist had become.
These days I sometimes experience the pain of discipline with sore muscles, not eating poor food choices that seemed so yummy at the time, making the time to exercise and boy has it been worth it ~ Jim Rohn you are so right..Take charge of your life, today!
When my son hugs me now ~ I embrace it, lovingly with such a feeling of joy, for making the decision to eat consciously and exercise everyday has help me to chisel over 33 pounds and 25 inches off my 5'4" frame.
I heard someone say last night that people assume those of us who make better food choices are deprived...'Deprived?' she replied "does this body look deprived?, actually you are the one who is depriving yourself out of more energy, a longer life and less disease.  What a brilliant response - it is so simple to eat healthy.  When your body is filled with nutritionally dense food cravings disappear almost overnight.  Aches and pains are minimized.  Your energy is raised to a level many have not seen in years.
Ah, the pleasure of living a disciplined life far outweighs the pain of regret.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Celebrating Mary Kay Ash

Mary Kay Ash earned a place in history when she stepped out in a man's world to blaze a new path for women. Recognized today as America's greatest woman entrepreneur, Mary Kay created new opportunities for women around the world. Her revolutionary move led to a multibillion-dollar success. In the process, she earned a place in the hearts of millions for her giving spirit, unwavering values and inspiring belief in the power and potential of women.

 Her site (visit ) invites you to celebrate her remarkable story. It pays tribute to her life and her legacy, which continues to burn brightly through the countless lives she touched. In honor of Thanksgiving, her most favorite holiday I would like to keep it simple by honoring her, today.  In Thanksgiving for all she has done and the countless lives she has forever changed including my own.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Vegan: a conscious eating choice can change the world.

Have you ever wondered what it could be like to make a conscious eating choice such as becoming a vegan? All it is is someone who looks closely at all of the implications of their food choices -- to his or her own body, to the animals, and to the environment -- and then chooses to lean in to a plant-based diet. Add the suffix "ist" means "one who does" or "one who studies," so a veganist takes what he or she learns and puts it into action by eating things that grow on trees or in the ground. It's all about progress, not perfection.

  In the process, you create the possibility to see, think and act differently, and to attract new opportunities.
Here's why: Each time you pause and choose not to indulge habituated behavior you enter into clear space, a "gap" which is, by definition, free from the distortion of your unconscious. The instant you do this you create an opportunity to link to sacred and sublime intelligence. Experiencing this, if only for an instant, connects you to boundlessness, a place free from the doubts, contrary beliefs, and/or misapprehensions that oftentimes obstruct you from taking greater control of your life and even achieving your goals.

This point is essential.  Stillness, coupled with expanded awareness, is by far the most powerful medium by which you can affect your destiny. From the perspective of the ancient traditions stillness is a far more compelling force to influence and attract, and thereby help you fulfill your desires, than is desperation or even willpower alone.

Break free of old patterns enough times and you will create a new and different future. This may sound too simple to be life-changing, but I've seen people accomplish incredible things, achieve profound changes in their life, simply by letting go of a habit and placing new, positive, life-affirming intentions into the space once occupied by their habit. Try vegan even if it 's just as a 21 day cleanse.  This experience can be life changing and you will never know until you try.

Friday, November 18, 2011

The Pledge , worth sharing

There is power in this pledge to live by, thank you for sharing...


The Pledge

- I will take full responsibility for my own happiness, for my own success, and for my life.
- I will not blame other people for my problems, nor will I allow low self-esteem, self-limiting beliefs, or the negativity of others to talk me out of achieving what I am capable of achieving and becoming the person I am capable of being.
- I will face rejection and failure with courage, awareness, and perseverance, making these experiences the platform for future acceptance and success.
- I will do the things I’m afraid to do, but which I know should be done. Sometimes this will mean asking for help to do that which I can’t do by myself.
- I will earn the help I need in advance by helping other people now, and repay the help I receive by serving others later.
-When I fall down, I will get back up, whatever it takes.
-My faith and my gratitude for all I have been blessed with will shine through in my attitudes and in my actions.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Firming up without stepping into the gym

TimeWise® Body™ Targeted-Action® Toning Lotion & TimeWise Body™ Hand and Décolleté Cream Sunscreen SPF 15

TimeWise® Body™ Targeted-Action® Toning Lotion (RM150)

Skin that’s firmed. Toned. Defined for 24 hours. Sound like a heavenly body? With TimeWise® it’s yours.

If you’ve been praying for a body that appears noticeably toned, with contours that appear firmed and smoother-looking, this supercharged lotion is an answer to your prayers. It combines the benefits of multiple products in one body-loving formula energized by a double shot of caffeine, the power of pumpkin and a totally invigorating scent. The exclusive formula delivers the following benefits:

• Fortifies the skin’s support structure, helping to firm, tone, define and hydrates for 24 hours
• Energizes skin cells for optimal performance
• Helps minimize damage from UV exposure and provides essential hydration

TimeWise Body™ Hand and Décolleté Cream Sunscreen SPF 15 (RM120)

Age-revealing hands? Sun-damaged décolleté? It’s time for TimeWise® powered by superfruits.

This is an amazing, age-defying wonder thanks to two superfruits and other superstar ingredients. Our patent-pending Acai Berry Extract is an antioxidant superpower. Pomegranate Sterols help strengthen skin barrier**. Caprooyl Tetrapeptide-3 helps boost collagen and elastin** and Niacinamide (vitamin B3) helps minimize damage from UV exposure. Add to that an all-star cast of skin-conditioning and UV-shielding ingredients to deliver this impressive list of benefits:

• Minimizes the appearance of crepiness and helps skin look firmer.
• Hydrates and supports the skin barrier, helping to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
• Helps reduce the appearance of dark spots.
• Protects against future UV damage.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Let go of stressful self talk

Stress can make or add to fine lines and wrinkles  in the expressions on our face.  Did you know there is a conversation that goes on in your head 24 hours each day and exerts a major influence on how we look, feel and behave?

This can even affect us even while we sleep.  That is the time your body uses to restores itself.  Changing your thought patterns to positive, uplifting ones can make a huge difference in your self talk.

Understanding that other people may never do exactly what we want them to do. Events must always turn out exactly as we want them to or even we may never disappoint ourselves or act contrary to our expectations can be big help in releasing the stress that surrounds these limiting beliefs.

Replace these thoughts with ones that empower the mind, body and soul. Other people may not act the way we want. Don't invest our well being in their behavior.  Sometimes despite our best efforts events will turn out the way we don't like.  Most importantly, we are likely to make mistakes now and then.  Embrace that we are not perfect as perfectionism can be one of the single most destructive behaviors you will ever have.

The only character lines that we want to embrace are the ones that come from a happy, fulfilling, smile filled life.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

The 8 Pillars of Wellness

It recently was brought to my attention that since the skin is our largest organ it is most affected by how "well" we really are. There are so many factors that determine that.  When someone asks you " How are you?" Do you immediately download all that ails you. Mary Kay Ash was famous for saying " The only answer is GREAT because 80% really don't care and the other 20% say good you got exactly what you deserve!!!

The list I am about to share may be used  as a cross training of sorts to build a wellness foundation.  Realizing we can't 'fix' everything in one afternoon. If you were willing to incorporate daily at least two off this list and then add variety, (after all that is the key) then you would consistently be getting closer to you goal of being GREAT!.
  1. meditation
  2. visualization
  3. conscious eating
  4. exercise
  5.  service
  6. spiritual practice
  7. fun activities
  8. self work
Doesn't makes perfect sense that if your answer to 'how are you doing' is 'great' then would you agree putting yourself in a state of greatness would help you to become congruent to your answer and more importantly to yourself.  Your skin will radiate healthy glow as you build your personal wellness foundation.

Go to to make me your FREE coach, I can help you on the path for numbers 3 and 4 with a simple plan.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Decide, Commit to Succeed

Simple words, you’d agree... wouldn’t you ?  But amazingly powerful when they are grouped together.

Got you attention ? Great !  Because the next few words will change your life as it has for thousands of people, just like yourself.  
Mentally, emotionally & physically If where you are now is not where you deserve to be, then Decide to take a leap of faith. Commit to improving your life with my free help... you will Succeed.
~ lose weight
~ increase lean muscle
~ improve flexibility
~ sleep better
~ increase daily energy
~ be “fit for life”

How to get from where you are to where you deserve to be go to and register for me to be your FREE coach

Monday, November 7, 2011

RE: Be good to your Sole!!!

When running or workout out with a high impact program here are the benefits of being barefoot or close-to-barefoot: Better posture, stronger legs and feet, less impact on your body, more of a connection to the world beneath you (And an increased awareness of your surroundings as a result), and an increased depth of sensation. All of the above spills over into other benefits that are less obvious: having less weight on your feet makes me feel more prone to play, break into a jog, or just move around. Toe shoes specifically are quite conversation starters, and while some find this a nuisance or feel uncomfortable with strangers checking out their footwear, I see it as another way to connect with others (even when my introverted self wants to be left alone).
If you pick up a pair of toe shoes (or just go barefoot more), bear in mind that you've got some foot rehabilitation in store — flat feet and shin splints are very likely related to your body having (mal-)adapted to modern footwear. If you've been running in and/or wearing heeled shoes (and who hasn't?), it's slowly degraded your natural, evolutionarily determined biomechanics and physiology. There are true experts on the human foot out there, but the arches of your foot (there are three) are supported by muscles in your feet and like any muscles, lack of use will weaken them over time. There are a few foot exercises you might try to rebuild your arches, and there are plenty of anecdotes of FiveFingers fans with flat feet developing an arch over time. Crazy, right?
Bear in mind that you're going to need to take it slow and be patient with the process. There are many things that are going to have to change — your body is going to have to get stronger as a lack of cushy shoes means your muscles will do more of the impact-dampening. Meanwhile, your brain will need to be reprogrammed to move without cushy soles, which have likely lengthened your stride and resulted in your legs being stiffer on impact with the ground. Your Achilles tendon is going to have to lengthen (it seems elevated heels in shoes can shorten your Achilles over time).
Just as much as your feet grew weak over years of disuse (likely a process that started shortly after you were a toddler), it's going to take awhile to get strong again. But it can be done and I encourage you to do it. Better now than later! Just be mindful about it and don't go run two miles on day one! Go outside and walk barefoot. You don't need shoes for that and it will make you aware of how different it feels to feel the earth on your bare skin. This is natural and the senses in your feet (plus your eyes!) are the best protectors against you hurting yourself by stepping on something sharp. Trust your body. . Walking barefoot on a concrete sidewalk or asphalt street is a feeling you probably haven't had since you were a kid. It doesn't hurt it's simply sensational. Go try it!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Lines around the eyes are not funny

To target solutions for fine lines around the eyes, it is important to distinguish when you see the lines. Do you see lines around the eyes when you are not smiling or only when you are? If you have lines around your eyes when you are not smiling, then you need to step up your skin collagen building effort. When looking to build collagen around the eyes, be aware that traditional collagen builders such as glycolic acid and retinol, are much too irritating for the eye area in any meaningful concentrations. Oligopeptides, however, are highly effective, and less irritating. The encapsulated versions in a light serum are preferable for better presentation, delivery and penetration. I highly recommend my personal favorite Mary Kay's Eye Firming cream.

A simple tip I want to share is if your eye cream tends to make you eyes water, sniffing it's fragrance before applying it can help reduce the tears.

Let's leave the laugh lines for character and eliminate the rest!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Benefits of raw food as it relates to your skin

I currently work with a wonderful Fitness/Nutrition coach who helped me change my total way of life.  While this may seem extreme to some, here is an article I found that truly helps me, make it all make sense.

"Eating only Raw food has an instant and dramatic effect on our looks, just as it does on our health. Many stars have launched or prolonged their careers with raw foods. Many more are now giving up plastic surgery and other crazy beauty treatments like botox and are instead just eating only Raw.

How beautiful is a wild giraffe, a wild horse or any other wild animal? They have a pristine, natural, glowing, beauty, because they eat only natural unprocessed food. You can be as beautiful as that on natural food too.

You are what you eat. If you eat flaky pastry, you will soon look flaky and pasty. Eat dead animals, and you will end up looking like dead lifeless meat. Eat fresh, raw, fruit and vegetables and you will look juicy, fresh, vibrant and alive!

Our body, even when fed an excess of food, is starved of the essential building blocks it needs to be healthy and beautiful. These vital elements are destroyed when our food is heated. We need whole, live vitamins, enzymes and nutrients to grow a healthy, vibrant, beautiful body. Without these elements, our bodies can't work as they should. We deteriorate, prematurely age, and die unnaturally.

No matter what your parents, grandparents or siblings look like, by going raw you will become an outstanding natural beauty. It's all because balance equals beauty. When our bodies are in balance by being fed raw foods, our kinks and abnormalities are healed. Many say their skin, eyes, hair and even their body shape, bone structure and face shape changed after switching to eating Purely Raw foods.

The first organs to reveal our state of health are our eyes. Nothing is attractive about bloodshot, dull, sunken, puffy eyes. After you begin eating raw, your eyes will become as bright and clear as a child's. They may even change colour.

Our skin mirrors the internal state of our body. It is 'safer' for our body to deprive our skin of nutrition, in order to supply our vital internal organs with whatever it can collect from our food. When you eat only live nutrients, your body finally has plenty of fuel and no longer has to decide how to ration it. Your entire body, including your skin, will get it’s fair share of life giving enzymes, vitamins and minerals. Your skin will thank you by being glowing and radiant, and the signs of ageing will be reversed."

As featured in Raw Food -Purely Raw and definitely worth sharing!!!!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A personal favorite

- Chia Seed Pudding -

Chia seed pudding is a delicious, quick and healthy raw food recipe. Made with wild or organic chia seed it is a powerful superfood.
The tiny seeds have been used since 3500 BC and were one of the most important crops for the Aztecs. These ancient people prized them so highly that it was often used as currency. Their warriors could run a whole day on just a handful.
Chia seed - also called salba when they are white - has extraordinary nutritious power. Dr. Oz said: "These things may be the best food around." And according to one manufacturer chia/salba seeds contain (gram for gram):
  • 30% more antioxidants than blueberries;
  • 6x more calcium than whole milk;
  • 15 more magnesium than broccoli;
  • 25 more dietary fiber than flax seed;
  • 8x more omega 3 than salmon;
  • 3x more iron than spinach;
  • 50% more folate than asparagus;
  • 2x more potassium than a banana;
  • 2.5x more protein than kidney beans.
But maybe most important, chia seeds form a gelatinous layer inside your intestines that is a preferred home for probiotics and other beneficial bacteria.
Therefore it is excellent food for people with intestinal problems such as crohn's disease or irritable bowl syndrome. It is also perfect for babies and children as it creates a optimum start for their internal environment. Chia seeds look like poppy seeds. They have a neutral, mild taste. Just like flax seeds, they become jelly like when you soak them for 30 min or more.
You can eat them as a pudding or add some to your smoothie. (My kids prefer them over flax seed in smoothies because the flavor is more neutral.)
You buy organic chia seed in most health food stores and online. They cost about 15 USD a pound. (Salba seeds a little more. Some claim salba seeds are better than chia seeds, but I haven't found any proof on that).