Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Third Essential Key to Leadership

This is where we speak about your vision. If you knew you couldn't fail, where and what would you want your legacy to be? A defined purpose is unstoppable. When you lack clarity, it is so easy to buy into the reasons why your thought, idea or purpose cannot come to fruition. When you are working towards your defined purpose, you will see how your mind will find solutions to what may have first appeared as an obstacle.

You need to create a map for your vision. What is your end target? Then begin to work the steps backwards to where you are right now. You must include a time line. It's the only way you can map your progress. Without tracking, where you are on an adventure; with tracking, you are on a mission.

Adventure or mission? You decided based on your willingness to take the time to strategically plan your steps. Anyone can eat an elephant piece by piece. At the beginning, you might think it could never be possible. Your vision can feel like that elephant, but when you chunk it down into bit size pieces all of a sudden you will see your next steps, easily. If you wander off track, you will also see that by working in smaller segments, it is so much simpler to catch. You can then take two steps back to get right back on track.

Without vision, people will perish. So what gets your blood pumping? It's your time to define your legacy. The world is waiting. When your look at some of the greater accomplishments in the world, you can easily be impressed. Take a few moments to learn what it took that person to get there. You will find it was their vision. A vision so bright, that it became a mission, one that was unstoppable. Here is to the unstoppable you...

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