Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Second Essential Key to Leadership

The Second Essential Key

Most people cannot lead if they are not willing to follow at least for a short term. The woman who can most effectively follow a leader many times will grow into one of the most efficient leaders. It is almost like apprenticing with someone in the position of where you want to go. Yes, your details will be different but the qualities it takes to lead are almost always the same from organization to organization.

Have you mastered the art of being a smart follower? Select someone who you would be willing to trade places with if that opportunity ever arose. Then do your best to learn what they mastered to put them where they are today. You might even try to contact them. I have found many are willing to share their steps to success. That is a huge affirmation and compliment to their merit.

Although, I am sure you may have heard the phrase 'natural leaders are born'. It is just as important that you create your own path, while you have mastered what it takes to follow visionary individuals. Pick someone who has been trained in the areas that will serve as corner stones to your mind map of where you are taking your organization. Chances are they were once an intelligent follower before defining there own path.

Without a following, there is simply no need for a leader. Doesn't it make perfect sense to have mastered the skill set of following someone to a destination? A leader must walk a mile in the shoes of the group she is leading whether it be her children, a PTA, a Church group or even a large organization. She then know the heart, challenges and mindset of the people she will lead.

Remember you are either a leader or a follower. You choose which role is best for you but I can tell you from my own personal experience the difference in your compensation is huge. It is also fun to learn the stories of several leaders who have made an impression on you. You then are in position to borrow a little bit from each and create the best you possible.

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