Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Fifth Essential Key to Leadership

Passion is one of the greatest motivators of all time. It can be such a primal instinct. Especially when your passion is pure. This single force is so powerful it can drive any human over the edge. It is capable of making you do things you would never even thought possible. It in of itself can create sheer determination. It can help you sustain your energy to accomplish the unfinished tasks that will get you closer to the heart of your intense desire.

It is the driver that inspires us from with in. It has been said that passion will lead to sustained, focused effort to achieve extra ordinary mastery in a skill. Knowing what excites you and then building your work or your career around it is a smart recipe for success. However, it will almost always require flexibility especially as it relates to leadership.

Think of that first love, the feelings, the intensity, the willingness to speak on the phone the whole night through. It was all fueled by passion. Passion can be looked at like a consistent adrenaline rush. Passion can create endurance. All leaders need endurance for the journey. If you are working towards a goal but there is no passion behind it you will find there will be many 'ADD' moments. Your attention will constantly be diverted. The task will be hard and monotonous. You are not able to have that single minded focus I so often speak about.

In building your leadership, I would recommend defining your passion first and then selecting a destination that has been created out of passion. It will begin to feel effortless when you plug you the key element into your leadership. You need to be in harmony with your core value system. You need to discover what it is about you, your gift, that will separate you from the rest. Then become wildly passionate with a vision of what it is you are going to create.

Passion is an emotion. Communication is the transfer of emotion. Only 7% of the words we speak are actually understood, the rest is your tonality and body language. Would you agree that passion will induce the entire body into your message..

People love to follow those who love life. The journey is so much more fulfilling when you have an entire cheering section behind you. Think of that marathon racer and all the people along the way that are helping him go the distance. Leadership is at its best when you have the total support of your following. Simply stated, make sure you pack your passion for the journey....

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