Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Fourth Essential Key to Leadership

Persistence, mixed with will power and desire will conquer the most amazing feats. It is a recipe that almost never fails. Did you know lack of persistence is a major cause of failure? Leadership is near impossible without this one particular key ingredient.

Just think to when a child wants something, his/her only desire is to get their needs met at any cost. Why Mommy, why Mommy, can I have it please, pu le eeeeezzze? You know that it can go on for days on end. You become so worn down that it is actually easier to say yes then to continue this tiring process. As parents, we've all been guilty of saying yes when we mean no just to make it stop. Persistence pays! Even most 2 year old have mastered this art of obtaining exactly what they want with a constant wearing down of their giver.

Weakness in desire will lead to a lack of persistence. The best part about persistence is it can be cultivated. It has been proven it is simply a state of mind. All you need to develop is a burning desire. A fire in your belly. Add on some willpower and you will see how quick you can stir up some pretty strong persistence in developing your leadership skills.

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