Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Obstacle? Stepping Stone? Which do you choose?

How many people walk away from a goal right before it is about to happen? The answer is a lot. Frustration, doubt, just wanting to be 'real' are all blocks that sometimes can be real hard to get over.  I have had so many experiences where what at first they seemed to be devastating and the moment I got some distance and mileage from the situation the blessing appeared.

Don't allow yourself to focus on what did not happen. Put blinders on and see how you can use it as a stepping stone to get closer to what you want to create. Most times, things happen for a reason. In hindsight, what I thought was a huge roadblock turned out to be even greater then my original plan.  I've learned to 'get over it' real fast.

Self pity has a purpose when you use it as a release button.  Just learn to release it in an instant. Your flexibility will determine your bounce back.  One of the greatest traits of leaders is bounce back. You need bounce back to turn those obstacles into stepping stones. The best part it may help you arrive at your goal sooner then you think.

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