Saturday, February 26, 2011

Dear God Letter for attracting success into your life

A Step-by-Step Workbook Full of 8 Simple
Exercises to Help You Manifest the Life You Want!

How many times have you tried to create the life you've imagined?
Perhaps you have the desire to design it, but you're not sure where to start or what to do first.
We've found that most people who haven't written their Dear God Letter just need a little boost.
For them, deciding which goal to focus on first or the process itself seems overwhelming and they just don't know how to get started.

Friday, February 25, 2011

See results in 4 weeks from your goals!

Are you tired of setting goals that never come true for you or
your team?

Are you frustrated because you seem to go 2 steps backward
for every 1 step forward?

Do you want to learn some simple methodologies that make it
easy to get results and Achieve Your Goals?

Would you like to break through challenges and create positive
momentum in just four weeks?

"Goal Accelerator Success Strategies"
Group Coaching sessions each Monday for 4 weeks beginning
March 21, 2011 at 8:00 pm (Eastern)

Here is some of What You Will Learn:

    The fundamental formulas that pave the way for ALL success
    The Power of the 9 Environments
    The correct way to set goals and some secrets to achieve them
    Discover your Life Purpose and why it is important to align with your purpose
    The three types of action, and how to use all three
    Methods to increase your focus and perseverance
    And much more!

You will also have the ability to ask specific questions so that you can immediately apply what you learn and see fast results.

To find out more click here --->

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Sera que funciona, trabalhar de casa?

Construir um negócio de venda directa em minha casa, nesses 20 anos, e com minha família crescendo não foi nada fácil. Você cadrastou e lançou seu negócio! E agora?? Você já escutou aquela frase “Agente nunca terá uma segunda chance pra deixar uma boa primeira impressão”? Bem, aqui esta alguns passos simples que você pode tirar aproveito desde o início.

  1. Determine seu lugar pra trabalho . Não há nada pior que um escritório que se filtra por a casa inteira. Sem mencionar que você precisa daquela linha que define “Trabalho” e “Lar” . Pode ser tão simples como um espaço dentro de um quarto.
  2. Determine seu horário de serviço. Eu sou apaixonada pelo meu negócio, posso fazê-lo 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana. Mas não há nada que vai fazer sua família rejeitar seu negócio mais do que te ver enterrada no telefone cada vez que ele tocar.( A mensagem que eles recebem é que eles não são tão importante quanto a pessoa no telefone) Mas a razão que você está construindo seu próprio negócio em casa não é pra ficar mais perto deles e pela importância deles em sua vida?
  3. Determine as regras: Crianças ficam super animadas quando você divide seu entusiasmo. Algumas vezes elas estão observando suas conversas, seus passos, reações e sua maneira de trabalhar. Você provavelmente irá concordar que normalmente não divide todos os detalhes de seu negócio se você não estivesse trabalhando em casa. Um detalhe extremamente importante e também urgente é que você seja capaz de deixá-los saberem que não é toda conversa que irá ser compartilhada.
    Uma vez, quando eu estava no telefone e minha filha precisava de minha atenção “imediatamente”, simplesmete à olhei pra ela perceber que eu à tinha visto e que precisava de mim e que eu poderia estar disponível em um pouco.
  4. Uma vez que você é sua própria chefe, você pode fazer seus próprios horários que se encaixa melhor com sua vida em casa. Quando meus filhos chegam da escola, eu me desligo do meu negócio até que temos um tempinho pra bater papo e fazer um lanche juntos. E o que eu descobri fazendo isso, foi que eles pararam com interesse de ficar tomando minha atenção rapidinho. E os dias que eu não fazia aquilo, eles tentavam puxar minha atenção de qualquer maneira. No entanto, eles começaram a entender que quando era hora de eu voltar pro “escritório” eles tinham que respeitar meu trabalho.

Essas foram só algumas dicas chaves que me ajudaram a ser uma profissional e mãe ao mesmo tempo!


Passion is one of the greatest motivators of all time. Especially in leadership your passion must be pure. This single force is so powerful it can drive any human over the edge. It is capable of making you do things you would never even thought possible. It in of itself, can create sheer determination. It can help you sustain your energy to accomplish the unfinished tasks that will get you closer to the heart of your intense desire.

It is the driver that inspires us from with in. It has been said that passion will lead to sustained, focused effort to achieve extra ordinary mastery in a skill. Knowing what excites you and then building your work or your career around it is a smart recipe for success. However, it will almost always require flexibility especially as it relates to leadership.

Think of that first love, the feelings, the intensity, the willingness to speak on the phone the whole night through. It is all fueled by passion. Passion can be looked at like a consistent adrenaline rush. Passion can create endurance. All leaders need endurance for the journey. If you are working towards a goal but there is no passion behind it you will find there will be many 'ADD' moments. Your attention will constantly be diverted. The task will be hard and monotonous. You are not able to have that single minded focus.

In building your leadership, I would recommend defining your passion first and then selecting a destination that has been created out of passion. It will begin to feel effortless when you plug you the key element into your leadership. You need to be in harmony with your core value system. You need to discover what it is about you, your gift, that will separate you from the rest. Then become wildly passionate with a vision of what it is you are going to create.

Passion is an emotion. Communication is the transfer of emotion. Only 7% of the words we speak are actually understood, the rest is your tonality and body language. Would you agree that passion will induce the entire body into your message..

People love to follow those who love life. The journey is so much more fulfilling when you have and entire cheering section behind you. Think of that marathon racer and all the people along the way that are helping him go the distance. Leadership is at its best when you have the total support of your following. Simply stated, make sure you pack your passion for the journey....

Monday, February 7, 2011

Be your Own Boss

One of the things I find most difficult for most people to master is the art of being your own boss. When you open a business in the direct selling industry or any small business it is easy to want to have a wait and see mentality out of fear. Not to mention that it comes with so much freedom and flexibility but many times one of the greatest challenges lies with the discipline it takes to run the company as a million dollar business it has the potential to be.

If we were to analyze your business today, would you give yourself a raise or would you give yourself a pink slip? You laugh but I have to tell you when I looked at my business through the eyes of a boss very quickly my work habits changed.

What is your vision for your organization? How much revenue do you see possible for you to create? Really! What is your income potential from this business? Are you running your organization 'as if'?

When a McDonalds (TM) or Dunkin Donuts (TM) opens, they open with the same intensity, operating systems, inventory and staff as the ones who have been in business for years. They don't have a 'wait and see' mentality. I've never heard them say when we make enough we will hire someone to cook the burgers, roll the dough, make the coffee. It is set up from the start for maximizing its fullest potential.

Well, you must be the organization you envision and no “wo' man can do it all. Learn the art of delegation. Keep a close eye on cost. Spend time and money on the things that will help you go the farthest the fastest. Identify what your income producing activities are and the go to work to produce the income to have the staff or team necessary to be a total success.

How much time will you save? How much more efficient will you be? When working with the right team to get the job done? How much more creative will you be when you step in to the position of a successful leader for your organization.

Passo-a-passo a Vitoria!

Você já sonhou alto? Tão alto, que quando você contou a seus familiares e amigos eles riram de você, pensando que era uma piada?
Estou aqui pra compartilhar como você pode aumentar sua auto-estima bem mais rápido do que imagina, criando uma série de pequenas vitórias! Agora você pergunta, e qual é a importancia de auto-estima?
Minha cara leitora (amiga), auto-estima é o fator-chave, depende dele para sabermos à altura em que realmente podemos alcançar. Eu sei que várias pessoas ensinan “Sonhar Mais Alto”, mas se você é assim como eu; Eu simplismente não conseguia ver as posibilidades acontecendo para mim. “Ótimo pros outros, mas não pra mim”.

É tão simples de definir metas menores e mais reais ao longo do caminho para alcançar as estrelas. Ao invés de estabelecer a meta de peder 10 kilos, defina a meta de peder 1 kilo por semana por 10 semanas. Você será capaz de testemunhar seu sucesso semanalmente, celebrando cada passo.
Você pode até execeder sua meta inicial! Não é uma maravilha ?!
Passo-a-passo... Conseguimos!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Fifth Essential Key to Leadership

Passion is one of the greatest motivators of all time. It can be such a primal instinct. Especially when your passion is pure. This single force is so powerful it can drive any human over the edge. It is capable of making you do things you would never even thought possible. It in of itself can create sheer determination. It can help you sustain your energy to accomplish the unfinished tasks that will get you closer to the heart of your intense desire.

It is the driver that inspires us from with in. It has been said that passion will lead to sustained, focused effort to achieve extra ordinary mastery in a skill. Knowing what excites you and then building your work or your career around it is a smart recipe for success. However, it will almost always require flexibility especially as it relates to leadership.

Think of that first love, the feelings, the intensity, the willingness to speak on the phone the whole night through. It was all fueled by passion. Passion can be looked at like a consistent adrenaline rush. Passion can create endurance. All leaders need endurance for the journey. If you are working towards a goal but there is no passion behind it you will find there will be many 'ADD' moments. Your attention will constantly be diverted. The task will be hard and monotonous. You are not able to have that single minded focus I so often speak about.

In building your leadership, I would recommend defining your passion first and then selecting a destination that has been created out of passion. It will begin to feel effortless when you plug you the key element into your leadership. You need to be in harmony with your core value system. You need to discover what it is about you, your gift, that will separate you from the rest. Then become wildly passionate with a vision of what it is you are going to create.

Passion is an emotion. Communication is the transfer of emotion. Only 7% of the words we speak are actually understood, the rest is your tonality and body language. Would you agree that passion will induce the entire body into your message..

People love to follow those who love life. The journey is so much more fulfilling when you have an entire cheering section behind you. Think of that marathon racer and all the people along the way that are helping him go the distance. Leadership is at its best when you have the total support of your following. Simply stated, make sure you pack your passion for the journey....

The Fourth Essential Key to Leadership

Persistence, mixed with will power and desire will conquer the most amazing feats. It is a recipe that almost never fails. Did you know lack of persistence is a major cause of failure? Leadership is near impossible without this one particular key ingredient.

Just think to when a child wants something, his/her only desire is to get their needs met at any cost. Why Mommy, why Mommy, can I have it please, pu le eeeeezzze? You know that it can go on for days on end. You become so worn down that it is actually easier to say yes then to continue this tiring process. As parents, we've all been guilty of saying yes when we mean no just to make it stop. Persistence pays! Even most 2 year old have mastered this art of obtaining exactly what they want with a constant wearing down of their giver.

Weakness in desire will lead to a lack of persistence. The best part about persistence is it can be cultivated. It has been proven it is simply a state of mind. All you need to develop is a burning desire. A fire in your belly. Add on some willpower and you will see how quick you can stir up some pretty strong persistence in developing your leadership skills.

The Third Essential Key to Leadership

This is where we speak about your vision. If you knew you couldn't fail, where and what would you want your legacy to be? A defined purpose is unstoppable. When you lack clarity, it is so easy to buy into the reasons why your thought, idea or purpose cannot come to fruition. When you are working towards your defined purpose, you will see how your mind will find solutions to what may have first appeared as an obstacle.

You need to create a map for your vision. What is your end target? Then begin to work the steps backwards to where you are right now. You must include a time line. It's the only way you can map your progress. Without tracking, where you are on an adventure; with tracking, you are on a mission.

Adventure or mission? You decided based on your willingness to take the time to strategically plan your steps. Anyone can eat an elephant piece by piece. At the beginning, you might think it could never be possible. Your vision can feel like that elephant, but when you chunk it down into bit size pieces all of a sudden you will see your next steps, easily. If you wander off track, you will also see that by working in smaller segments, it is so much simpler to catch. You can then take two steps back to get right back on track.

Without vision, people will perish. So what gets your blood pumping? It's your time to define your legacy. The world is waiting. When your look at some of the greater accomplishments in the world, you can easily be impressed. Take a few moments to learn what it took that person to get there. You will find it was their vision. A vision so bright, that it became a mission, one that was unstoppable. Here is to the unstoppable you...

The Second Essential Key to Leadership

The Second Essential Key

Most people cannot lead if they are not willing to follow at least for a short term. The woman who can most effectively follow a leader many times will grow into one of the most efficient leaders. It is almost like apprenticing with someone in the position of where you want to go. Yes, your details will be different but the qualities it takes to lead are almost always the same from organization to organization.

Have you mastered the art of being a smart follower? Select someone who you would be willing to trade places with if that opportunity ever arose. Then do your best to learn what they mastered to put them where they are today. You might even try to contact them. I have found many are willing to share their steps to success. That is a huge affirmation and compliment to their merit.

Although, I am sure you may have heard the phrase 'natural leaders are born'. It is just as important that you create your own path, while you have mastered what it takes to follow visionary individuals. Pick someone who has been trained in the areas that will serve as corner stones to your mind map of where you are taking your organization. Chances are they were once an intelligent follower before defining there own path.

Without a following, there is simply no need for a leader. Doesn't it make perfect sense to have mastered the skill set of following someone to a destination? A leader must walk a mile in the shoes of the group she is leading whether it be her children, a PTA, a Church group or even a large organization. She then know the heart, challenges and mindset of the people she will lead.

Remember you are either a leader or a follower. You choose which role is best for you but I can tell you from my own personal experience the difference in your compensation is huge. It is also fun to learn the stories of several leaders who have made an impression on you. You then are in position to borrow a little bit from each and create the best you possible.

The First Essential Key to Leadership

In developing your leadership skills, one of the most important keys I will speak about is how well do you listen? Your leadership for the most part is defined by your listening skills. Without this key trait, you will find in a very short period of time your organization will not grow. While it is true that Leaders must be visionaries, their following also must be validated by being heard. Leaders are generally good communicators which is what creates their following in the first place but in order to keep their following it is more important to be a great listener.

Think of yourself, how does it feel to not be heard? It takes away the value of the relationship. It actually crates indifference. Your unwillingness to listen can make your leadership fail in many other areas as well, almost like a dominoes effect.

I am not saying you have to agree but you must first hear the concerns of your organization, family or business. You then can validate it by repeating it back - So let me see...what you are saying is... Then as the leader, you now have created an open forum to cast either their vision, goal or dream. Great leaders need to be good listeners, first.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Obstacle? Stepping Stone? Which do you choose?

How many people walk away from a goal right before it is about to happen? The answer is a lot. Frustration, doubt, just wanting to be 'real' are all blocks that sometimes can be real hard to get over.  I have had so many experiences where what at first they seemed to be devastating and the moment I got some distance and mileage from the situation the blessing appeared.

Don't allow yourself to focus on what did not happen. Put blinders on and see how you can use it as a stepping stone to get closer to what you want to create. Most times, things happen for a reason. In hindsight, what I thought was a huge roadblock turned out to be even greater then my original plan.  I've learned to 'get over it' real fast.

Self pity has a purpose when you use it as a release button.  Just learn to release it in an instant. Your flexibility will determine your bounce back.  One of the greatest traits of leaders is bounce back. You need bounce back to turn those obstacles into stepping stones. The best part it may help you arrive at your goal sooner then you think.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

When one door closes another one opens

LIVING OUT YOUR DREAMS: BUSINESS TIPS for at home professionalism! Bi Lingual Portuguese/English

Recently we began the fine art of blogging at due to unforeseen circumstances beyond our control we have moved here to continue the goal of  using humor, tears and divine guidance, to help you through some of life's little bumps on the road. I am a faith driven and a laser focused for results in the at home/direct sales businesses. I want to share some quick tips to help you get on track for living out your dreams, full out!

And... most importantly, just like our dreams, the only constant in life is change! So we embrace this change with open arms.  We think it will be even prettier! All of our archived content will be moved here in a step by step process but like any good change it will be over time.  We will continue to re post in Portuguese.  Since we are brand new I welcome your feedback and requests.  You will receive our free monthly newsletter and so much more.  Remember, when God closes a window, He opens a door!

Many Blessings,

The true measure of a person is the size of the obstacle it takes to stop them!