Monday, March 14, 2016


What do you see? After some recent fun on Facebook it got me thinking PERCEPTION is everything. It was a Saturday night and I had just finished a glass of some really good wine. Sad to see I was almost empty but unwilling to invest in the calories of a second glass, I snapped a quick pic and posted it. What do you see? The answers ranged from my eyeball, a glass half full, glass half empty to a breast implant, air plane toilet, sink drain and Baptismal font!

It got me thinking ~ perception is everything. Especially in life. Ever wonder why the person who has more challenges seems to wonder through life in gratitude and the person who has so much is often found complaining? Perception.  It is time for a quick check for yourself. How do you see life? Your relationships? Your business(es)? Your family? Yourself?

I am reminded of a story I have heard several times. Twins were separated and put into two different rooms filled with horse manure. The first one was horrified by the smell, the look and the large pile in the center of the room. Crying she was removed instantly.

The 2nd twin ran right up the pile and started digging immediately. She was screaming for joy, digging furiously into the pile flinging it everywhere!!! The observers where shocked at her joy. They had to ask " It smells disgusting, why are you so happy?" In which she gleefully replied " with all this horse poop in here there must be a pony somewhere!"

What is your perception? Are you joyfully experiencing the journey of your life or are you going through just making the motions? Life is your to live and each day that passes we are one step closer to eternity. Live full out and find your pony!!! You might have to go through some crap but keep digging. It's in there somewhere.

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