Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Tips on Loss of Focus or Weakness in Business

Can you recognize your weakness(es)?
I used to try to fit my day into some preconceived mold. I realized for me, a solo entrepreneur, it doesn't work. My weakness was simple. I'm the kind of person who needs freedom. It's in my freedom I am at my most productive. It took me years to discover it but once I found it it was much like a missing puzzle piece.  Life just started to make sense.

In direct sales, I had an opportunity to be mentored by the best of the best but for me it wasn't enough. The part that didn't work was I was following their recipe for success. It was inauthentic to who I am as a person. There is no cookie cutter approach to success. Yes, there are specific income producing activities that must be done first however there is no one way that works for each of us.  If your business does not produce income there is no reason to spend your time on busy work unless you enjoy being a volunteer in your own organization.You must do a return on investment weekly, monthly and yearly to access your next weeks goals & actions.

Many times it takes repeating the same activity that produced the results in the first place. If you are a free spirit like myself that can be challenging to repeat time and time again the same activities. Do you get bored? Do you chase shiny pennies? It's always more seductive to blaze new trails but at the end of the day do they produce the fruits you need to stay in business? Or better yet to grow?
Consistency can be the key! From business to fitness if you are not being consistent you are wasting your time.

There is a simple answer. It is to create balance between income producing activity and trail blazing new activities for your own personal recipe to success. First you fuel your business with the necessary income then you are free to explore new activities. Define your weakness. If it is something you need to master and just can't seem to, then a great idea is to delegate. Find who is best at it and pass the activity on. You will be less likely to wonder off your trail to success when you are not  frustrated into doing things you simply do not want to do.

It is in defining your weakness(es) you will find your strength.

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