Friday, March 11, 2016

Own Your Strong!

 5 + years ago I began my fitness journey. Some 41 pounds over weight and not an ounce of muscle tone. I was a survivor who hated the body she was left with after enduring cancer. I was a victim more then I was a survivor. Cancer still had a hold on me. Sure I pretended that I was fine, even great but it was all smoke and mirrors. I had a smile on my face but my spirit was sleeping somewhere cold.

It didn't make sense to me. Why wasn't I grateful? Instead I was sad inside a body that was no longer mine.  Then one day I realized the only thing I could control was me. So that day I made a decision to take back me. It took time, energy and hard effort. Looking back I can tell you it was the best decision I had ever made.

You see it takes the same amount of energy to be miserable as it does to be happy!

What is your strong?  What do you want? Do you even know?

The one lesson I learned for sure was the only thing I could never get back was time. Cancer took my forties from me. It took my hair and my body but I didn't have to let it take my heart.

That was the day I decided to OWN MY STRONG!

Life is joyful now. Not without obstacles but  joyful. I'm in control.

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