Friday, January 6, 2012

Weight management for cancer patients

 Weight Management for Cancer PatientsWeight management can be very difficult for cancer patients. Cancer treatment, whether it is surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, or a combination of all three can have detrimental side effects which leave it hard for patients to maintain a healthy weight. Treatment has the ability to cause a significant weight loss or weight gain. This is closely tied to the type of treatment being received.Fatigue is very common symptom of cancer treatments. This often causes weight gain because patients simply do not have the motivation to exercise or make healthy meals for themselves. To combat exhaustion is it important to make sure to get enough sleep every night. It is also helpful to eat a diet which is high in iron. Although at first exercise might seem like a way to make patients more exhausted it actually helps give patients more energy in the long run. Physical activity allows the body to rest better and increases appetite and energy levels. Nausea and vomiting are also side effects common for cancer patients. This can happen right after treatment or a few days later. To fight nausea many patients will take medicine specially made for reducing this side effect. If that is not possible there are other ways to reduce nausea. Smaller, less fatty meals at room temperature are better to eat instead of big meals that contain a lot of grease which are very hot or cold. Weight gain can be caused by a lack of activity, different medicines, depression, and an emphasis on eating. Weight loss can be caused by nausea, different medicines, and depression as well. In order to properly manage weight it is good to try to lessen these side effects. A natural way to do that is through physical activity. Exercise can give cancer the motivation to push through the side effects of cancer treatment. After someone is on a consistent exercise routine they will have more restful sleep and a more energetic day. Being more active throughout the day will help manage weight. People who exercise tend to monitor what they eat and pick healthier options. Exercise speeds up a person metabolism and defines muscle. Cancer treatment can often lower muscle and bone density so it is important to exercise to counteract these side effects. Exercise allows cancer patients the ability to stay in a healthy weight bracket throughout treatment while lessening cancer treatment symptoms. These benefits will occur for cancer treatments whether they are going through surgery for breast cancer or chemotherapy for mesothelioma cancer.

Thank you our guest blogger Liz Davies!

Here are the direct links
Fatigue is very common symptom
surgery for breast cancer
mesothelioma cancer
She is a recent college graduate and aspiring writer especially interested in health and wellness. She wants to make a difference in people’s lives because she sees how cancer has devastated so many people in this world. Liz also likes running, playing lacrosse, reading and playing with her dog, April.


  1. Daria you are an inspiration...wish I knew you when I was going through my treatments. Just made my 5 year survivor anniversary and I'm so excited that I've revamped my efforts to not only get my inner self back, but my outer self. You are a true inspiration! Can't wait to get started....

  2. Daria you are an inspiration...wish I knew you when I was going through my treatments. Just made my 5 year survivor anniversary and I'm so excited that I've revamped my efforts to not only get my inner self back, but my outer self. You are a true inspiration! Can't wait to get started....

  3. Everyting in it's perfect timing - just think about how many more people we will be able to inspire together. Glad our paths have crossed :)
