Wednesday, January 4, 2012

RE: Resolution failures explained

A resolution is appropriate at any time of year. Today is as good a day as any.
The reason so many New Year's Resolutions fail is that they are usually made due to the external expectation of making them on the new year. As though it were a required ritual of the day, part of the ceremony of the holidays like hanging tinsel on the Christmas tree.
To be successful a resolution needs to be internal. And while New Years is a good a day to make one, making one just because its New Years is not. In fact, the tradition may over time have actually hindered people success.
Why? Because according to some experts only 8% of New Year's Resolutions are achieved. (I have no idea how they calculate that, but it rings true somehow.)
The result is that we have as a society developed a "Failure Syndrome" around the topic of New Year's resolutions. We expect to fail and sure enough, we do.
Why not find one thing that you can successfully change.  Maybe one simple choice that leads to a better change for you starting with your health, your mind, your body, your wallet or something simple that is do able. Taking the stairs instead of an elevator. Keeping it simple and achieving your resolution leads to a winning state of mind.  When you make that positive shift, your expectations begin to change. You are what you think so good or bad your brought it into fruition by the thoughts you are experiencing.  We cannot change bad things that happen to us but we can change how we see them.

Here is to wishing you a happy, prosperous 2013.

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