Thursday, October 20, 2011

RE: Let your light shine through

Each of us posses different gifts.  Do you know what yours is?

Defining your gifts is one of the single best goal getting steps you can take. How many times have you compared your lack with someones gift? Your worst against their best.  We can be our toughest critic.
It's been said many times over what you focus on your manifest.  Focusing on what we our lack just attracts more into our life.

I have learned so much by beginning an nutrition and exercise program nearly 121 days before my 50th Birthday.  I have been able to lose 30 lbs.  In starting the program, I was in no way fit which automatically made me believe that I couldn't do it.  I borrowed the belief of my fitness coach.  Step by step, everyday it became easier until it became a way of life.  Looking at the instructors I was comparing my "out of shape" body with their 'Fit as a fiddle" bodies.  I was ready to quit before I even started.

My tip to you today is if there is a dream in your heart, a goal - find someone who has it naturally as a gift and ask them to mentor you and before long, when you take the appropriate action steps, your light will begin to shine through.

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