Sunday, October 23, 2011

Best skincare secret yet...

One of the best skincare secrets I can offer you is to remain stress free as best you can.  Skin that isn't under constant stress is luminous when you hydrate as much as possible.  I have learned that in almost every stressful situation there are blessings. Too often we are so focused on the glitch, problem or person that we completely miss that there is a blessing inside.

I think back to 9/11.  There were so many different stories of alarm clocks that didn't go off, traffic jams, household problems that kept several people from being in the Towers that day. Initially their day had gotten off to a bad start by most people's standards.  I think that each one of them can attest that it was the single best blessing they had ever received, once they learned of what was about to unfold.

Embrace each day.  Know that you are exactly where you are supposed to be.  Being mindful of that will help you stay as stress free as possible. You skin will thank you.

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