Monday, August 8, 2011

Bug List!

Here is one of the most simple ways to eliminate stress lines on your face.  Worry can cause you to frown.  Frowning leads to deep lines in the forehead. Here is a tip that going to get you on the path to winning immediately.  Make a bug list!

There isn't anything you can't fix except your height, these days.  They have surgeries for almost everything. Take an hour and sit down with a cool glass of water or your favorite beverage and write down EVERYTHING that bugs you. I mean everything.  Don't like where you live - change it.  Have too much weight your carrying around - make a decision to lose it. Don't like your hair - get a haircut, color, highlights.

I think you get my point, everything can be fixed by making a committed decision to change.  The easy part is we experience change all the time.  It's the one constant in life.  So make a point of getting comfortable with change.

It's you life, you get to decide whether you live full out or simply tolerating all life's little bugs.

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