Friday, July 22, 2011

Happy Hydration

One of the best hydrating tips I can share with you is your H2O consumption.  Fitness expert Mark Martell shared with me an intake of 20 ounces or more first thing in the am is one of the simplest ways to hydrate your body after it's night rest of over 5 or more hours.

You will see an improvement in your skin from this simple and most natural slight change you can make as early as tomorrow morning.  Sweet dreams and happy hydration! Do you know the difference between a grape and a raisin?

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Simplicity: How not to complicate it

I find it so funny that many of us know that simplicity is an essential key to not being stressed out, yet we spend our days in busy work which creates stress.  An abundance of days that seem far to short.  A constant state of chasing our tail syndrome.

Take a day to clean out your mind.  Define what is important to you.  From washing your face to a streamlined make up application that can have you feeling great and out the door in minutes to life goals of if you knew you could only have one dream come true what would you prioritize as the most important one?

Then take the next week and rid yourself of everything that is not getting you closer to that goal to create a state of simplicity.

It's easy, once you define what matters most. Then every day do 5 action steps that are congruent with you goal.  As you watch it come to fruition you will see in the mirror a face filled with Joy.  A joy filled face will automatically reflect a life well lived which is the single best anti aging tip I can share.