Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Waiting for your ship to come in?

We always think there is a better time to achieve our goals: get fit, get in a relationship, get out of a relationship, when the kids grow up, when we have kids blah, when we have money blah blah
Truth is each day we live the closer we are to eternity! Not to be depressing but where are you spending your day? Is it getting you closer to your dreams? Then why are you wasting precious time on it?

So many go on with their music unsung. Cliche - I know but truth is if what we are doing right now isn't getting us closer to our goal then in reality we are saying we are not ready to achieve our goal.

Challenges are going to come and challenges are going to go. That is part of life. Rather then waiting for your ship to come in, why not jump into the water and go after it?

What are you waiting for? Go ahead... go for it!