Friday, March 21, 2014

Is this you?

Is this you?
You are a smart, capable, caring person. You have something big you want to do in the world. Something you are yearning to bring forth… Even if you don't even know exactly what it is.
You have a beautiful, strong intention. You have integrity. You have the capability.
And you are still not getting the results.
You are still trying to write that book. You are still trying to move your business to the next level. You are still trying to hold on to yourself in relationship. You are still broke or in debt. You are still trying to lose weight and get healthy. You are still feeling disconnected and unclear. It's like there's something in the way. Almost like a glass ceiling you're banging against.
What's up?
It's actually very simple.
You have two conversations going on inside – Your conscious desires and goals, And your unconscious decisions.
When push comes to shove, your unconscious mind is the gorilla.
It wins, every time.
And it creates the results that you have in your life.
What exactly are you waiting for?
If you are stuck and settling, what are you modeling for your kids?
What lessons will they take away today, while you're waiting to get it right?
How much longer do you want to model stuck-and-settling?
What do you wish for the world, and how will you model THAT?
Next - what's the impact on your health, when you live with the stress
of never being able to quite make your core desire happen?
When your health suffers,
and you get stressed, sick, tired, and cranky,
what is the effect on your relationships?
When your relationships tank,
how much less effective are you in your work?
What is the true cost of waiting for some better time?
So let me share with you a bit of my story…
When I said yes to Mary Kay… It was far from the right time to say
YES..but it was the smartest decision I ever made for so many reasons. See more at