Sunday, October 6, 2013

Ingredients and Safety At-A-Glance
Busting a Few Beauty Myths

When it comes to cosmetic ingredients and safety, you can’t believe everything you
read these days. Chances are you’ve probably seen a “beauty-gone-bad” story about the
evils of lipstick or mineral oil on television, the internet, or in magazines. So how can
you separate truth from fiction, and feel good about looking good? Here are a few facts
to set the record straight, and to help you feel great about the Mary Kay® products you
use and purchase.

Myth: Lead in lipstick can be the kiss of death!
Fact: Lead is a naturally occurring material and there are small amounts of lead in the
air we breathe and in the water we drink every day; these naturally occurring levels
cause us no harm. It’s a fact that lipsticks, along with many consumer products,
naturally contain very small trace amounts of lead, but the experts agree that the
amounts are insignificant and absolutely safe. The levels are well below the daily safe
limits established by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the Environmental
Protection Agency.

Myth: TALC is a bad word!
Fact: Talc has been getting a lot of bad press lately because of the recent popularity of
mineral-based powders. Talc used in cosmetics is a specially-refined grade and has a
proven scientific record. While it’s true that this natural ingredient can be used for noncosmetic purposes, rest assured that the grade of talc used in cosmetics is perfectly safe
for consumers.

Myth: If it says natural or organic, it’s BETTER (naturally!).
Fact: Organic, natural, and botanical are buzzwords in the beauty industry right now.
Sometimes the benefits associated with these products and ingredients are greatly
exaggerated. There is no scientific data that supports the blanket statement that
natural, organic, or botanical ingredients are always better. At Mary Kay, our goal is to
develop the safest and most effective products possible, including organic, natural, or
botanical ingredients when they provide a benefit. In fact, most Mary Kay® color and
skin care products contain a number of key natural and botanical ingredients that
research has proven to be effective.

Myth: Why do some people claim that paraben-free cosmetics are better?
Fact: First of all, the word parabens just sounds scary, doesn’t it? The fact is, a world
without parabens would be very scary indeed! Parabens are used extensively in
cosmetics, foods, and even medicines because they function as preservatives and
protect products from microbiological contamination. Paraben safety has been studied
extensively by various governmental regulatory agencies around the world, and none of
those agencies has found any scientific data that support the rumors that parabens are
harmful to human health.

THESE ARE JUST A FEW MYTH BUSTERS I thought were worthy of a share - I like to keep skin care simple and that is the purpose of this blog. Enjoy!