Monday, April 18, 2011

April Customer Newsletter

 Our April "Spring Collection" Customer Newsletter

Check out our Brand New Product Collection with the Hottest Colors!!! 


to view entire Newsletter.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.

Have you ever noticed that with in the word impossible is IM POSSIBLE? Isn't that interesting?

Nothing is impossible to a willing heart. It is all how you look at it. Perception is often the difference between success and failure. One of the tools that has helped me the most in my direct selling journey and my personal life is putting time and distance between a situation or event helps you see with total clarity, the end result or at least the next step.

Don't try to do it all in one step. When you step back you can usually see the lesson or the result.  What I love most is it gives you the ability to tweak if you need to.  Just get your goal into your heart.  If you are willing then I can almost guarantee you are able.  Step by step.  Inch by inch. Measurable results will chart your path and help clarify your perception of the goal at hand.

Anything is possible.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Count your blessings not your troubles!

Maltbie D. Babcock shares it is better to lose count while naming your blessings than to lose your blessings counting your troubles. I had to blog about this because it spoke volumes to me.  I find sometimes people overwhelm themselves with keeping their eye on the trouble generally missing both the lesson and the blessing.

It is in life's little circumstances our greatest blessings manifest. In my time on this earth I have learned what you focus on magnifies and then multiplies.  Most recently attending a conference in Atlantic City, NJ. Our mentor shared that worry is a prayer for getting exactly what you don't want. put it all in His hands.

So my friend today, I urge you to begin a blessing journal. When you are feeling down take a minute and reflect on all you already have.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

It is not because things are difficult, It is because..

How many times have you found that getting started is the hardest part? Failure to start is what stops many great accomplishments before they ever had a chance.

It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare, it is because we do not dare things are difficult. Think of how easy it would be if only you organized your kitchen for just a half hour a day.  Instead how many of us wait till the fall, then the spring and the task becomes overwhelming.

I have learned that inch by inch it is a cinch.  You can apply that to almost any aspect in your life. Pick a goal or task, chunk it down.  You will see on paper how simple it will become as you map your plan to finish what you were afraid to start.